Darryl Carter- former attorney turned designer.
Though he dreamed of studying design, he graduated from Georgetown law school - working from inherent good taste rather than formal training, has achieved something quite rare in the world of interior decorating - a signature look.
The Look pairs extravagant with affordable, perfect with imperfect. Polished surfaces play against pitted wooden artifacts. Antiques converse with bold modern art. Creamy white walls rise above coffee-dark floors. Deliberate symmetry is jolted by a bit of appealing disarray.

His new book
The New Traditional is out since August and its self - help guide to create your own personal interior.
Elements of his look - paint, floors, rugs, lighting,art .Check what he says about them.

Paint-Almost every wall is Moonlight White in flat finish, paired with Simply White trim in satin finish, both from Benjamin Moore. The sole dip into color is the Woodlawn Blue in the breakfast room, a perfect pale backdrop for his black-and-white photos and well-edited collection of white ironstone platters, pitchers and cake stands.
( In Brisbane I have a supplier who can mix Benjamin Moore colours)

Rugs-A favorite trick is to layer old patterned rugs on top of a slightly larger sisal carpet. The neutral textured material frames the older rug and sets it off. He likes sisal (which he prefers to sea grass) in a tight, flat weave in a pale wheat color with a half-inch binding in the same shade.

Display-In the master bath, towels are folded in an antique barrister's cabinet with glass doors. White towels only; they don't take up any visual space, says Carter.

Art-Don't put up "dumb art." Much better to frame photos of something you care about: your kids or your dog. He hunts estate sales and antiques shops for classical plaster frames, preferably with a bit of chipped gilding, which can be turned into mirrors.

Lighting-Carter forages through antiques shops and flea markets looking for old vases, former carriage lanterns and architectural salvage to turn into lamps. Some pieces are given an acid bath to create a weathered finish. Check out a line he designed for
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