Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cyclone in Brisbane -Power is back!!!

Sky before the storm

I was gardening the whole weekend. Sunday morning my lawn, camellia hedges, tomatoes, house... looked beautiful. Afternoon was a very different story.
Here are some photos how sad our suburb looks now.
Clean up is still going on...and we have the power back.
Our house has a little damage and can be easily fixed. Lots of houses got it much worse - very bad. It was really scary!!

our street

Photos : Viera
http://www.abc.net.au/news/photos/2008/11/17/2421317.htm - morebefore the storm


  1. Oh wow! I feel your pain. We had the same experience here in Houston, this summer. I hope you continue to do well.

  2. There's been lots of news coverage here in Adelaide about it - they were saying it was the worst storm to hit Brissie in 20 years. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound at least!

  3. OMG Viera you were in it! I so hope your home wasn't too badly damaged. Keep your chin up and I'd still be boiling that water if I were you! Positive thoughts to you from East Brisbane! A-M xx

  4. oh dear, hope everything is ok & there wasn't too much damage to your home and garden.

  5. Just been reading about it here in Bangkok. Hope you've managed to get through unscathed.

  6. Oh Viera, how frightening this must have been for you! The pic of the storm approaching is so graphic. Thinking of you & hope all is OK now.
    Millie ^_^

  7. Hi Viera, sorry to hear that you copped this awful storm. We just had the storm but not the damage. More predicted this week so i will be thinking of everyone up in Brisbane and that everything and everyone can get back to normal and get their places fixed. It would be so scary. Mel xxx

  8. Viera, I am so sorry this is the first I have heard about this. I hope you are doing well. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs from California!

  9. OMG Viera! I glad to know you and your family are ok, I didn't have any idea about the cyclon.
    Lot of hugs

  10. glad to hear you are o.k- looks like some very serious damage was done by the storm!

  11. It was such a scary storm! Hope that your house is okay!

    We were on a flight arriving back in Brisbane just as the storm was hitting. I tell you, it was the scariest flight ever!

  12. I feel your pain! I live in Florida where hurricanes are a real threat. Storms are very scary. I am glad you did not get much damage!

  13. Wasn't it dreadful? I have lots of friends whose houses just got ripped up. We had more damage from last night's storm at our place. I am just about to check the radar to see if the predicted storm for tonight is on its way. Hope things get back to normal soon. On a good note, I hear the community spirit round where you are has been amazing though.

  14. Shocking pics Veira! Glad you are ok! We got off lightly on this side of Brisbane however there was a big puddle of water downstairs when I got up this morning - nothing to complain about! Tracey x

  15. I really can't believe it that it's happening in OZ.

    Hope everything goes well for you & your fam.

    Take care & have an enjoyable day ahead.

    Don't forget to peep in at my place for surprises?


  16. The storms have been awful, cannot believe we have had three this week. Thankfully I have not had any damage but I feel for all those who have. Here's hoping the one they have forecast for tomorrow is not as bad! Amanda x

  17. so glad to hear you are okay at least - far out! what damage ...crazy weather!
