Thursday, June 11, 2009

Open Shelfs

So beautifully colour coordinated. ...and the floor is just amazing
Lately I am in love with metal and raw timber open shelf.

Beautiful Gianetti Home. Again Metal shelf . Colour selection on this one is very interesting

Photos 1 William Hefner, 2The Peak Of Chic blog, 3,4 VT Interiors (FlamantVenlo)

5 Velvet&Linen Blog, 6 sorry unknown, 7 Celia Domenech


  1. I love the open shelving as well.. It's a bit of pain to dust clean, but worth all the impact .. The hutch in that last photo is a great design..


  2. Living in an old home, we have open built-in bookshelves in several rooms. To me they add warmth and personality to a home. LOVE my books!!

  3. i do adore open shelves, the books & artifacts displayed tells me a lot about the people living in that home.

  4. Love the open shelves,but what I really love is tiles on the diagonal that enhances the open shelves. nice post.

  5. I have so enjoyed this post Viera, but never in a zillion years could I ever get the colour-coding with the books down pat!
    Millie ^_^

  6. That first picture is just stunning - really, really beautiful.

  7. I love open shelves. I'm saving all of these images in my files. They are great inspiration for client displays.
    That first one with the shells interspersed with old books is my favorite, I think.
    Thank you for including Steve's office too!

    Happy weekend, Viera.


  8. Hi Viera

    I've just been catching up on all your posts for the last month. Such beautiful images to enjoy. Also, thank you so much for all your lovely comments whilst I was drifting through France! Leigh
