Friday, September 11, 2009

Perfect Table & Brisbane Vintage Shoping

I am on a hunt for the perfect table for my study and love this Marchetti & Mercatini tables. So classical, versatile . It goes beautifully with any style and looks fabulous mixed with modern pieces and easily transform into dining table comfortably seating 8 .
I think Diane Keaton has this table in every movie she does.

I went to check what's available in Brisbane Antique and Vintage shops. Nothing beats my favorite but here are few photos what I've found interesting.
Not bad and very cheap option

From "Found in France" shopnice commodeThis piece is from Prague's Archives. (Very special to me) How did it get here???This is beauty! It's huge. Photo doesn't make a justice to this fantastic piece from famous Charles University in Prague founded in 1347, it was the first university in the Holy Roman Empire and in Central Europe in general. It is one of the oldest universities in Europe. another interesting tableon a special. painted in...? engine red or yellow this repainted and reupholstered -nice study chair


  1. Wow, I'm absolutely bowled over by that lovely piece from Prague's Archives - the little numbers on each drawer really make it! Lee :)

  2. Great finds-Love it all- esp the second from the top & the fabric on the last chair! let us know what you pick.

  3. some lovely tables and commodes here! keep us posted :)


  4. Love the chair and your other finds - may not be what you're looking for but some gorgeous things to look at. Have a lovely weekend. Leigh

  5. That's what I call vintage! Dying
    2 have that table. And the console and the bedhead the right sidebar.

    §;-) lovely!

    Have anice w/end , VT...

    much hugs

  6. What lovely desks! I have had my eye on a few lately but the eye candy here is great!

  7. I recently saw a pic of a desk very similiar to the one in your 3rd image Viera with a silver Tolix chair tucked under it. The juxtaposition of the 2 very different styles worked really well. Good luck on your hunt. Hope your weekend is lovely.
    Millie ^_^

  8. Hi Viera
    I love all these gorgeous pieces. The first 2 remind me of a table I nearly bought many years back. The top folded back enabling it to be used as a console or full dining [as a desk would be great too]. So now I wish I had bought that table. Had forgotten all about it.
    Have a great weekend. x Julie

  9. Looks like you've been having fun...I love vintage and antique shopping! Beautiful pieces you found! Tracey xx

  10. Some absolute gorgeous pieces. As always thanks for sharing!
