Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Ideas - New blogs

Thanks to Kate from Hall Ready Blog I was introduced to fantastic company Surface View.
Kate concentrate on everything and anything related to art and interiors.
Homes & Gardens magazine had a feature on Vibrant Design. A very impressive large scale canvas print from the V&A collection at Surface View was used in the above shoot.This shoot features a stunning National Maritime Museum piece Midship section from HMS Fearless produced as a Stretched Canvas print.

so art is going big.

Here at VT interiors we also use large scale canvas prints with a great success.


  1. Oh that maritime piece.. be still my heart. Don't you love finding new blogs!!! There aren't enough hours in the day for this gorgeous bloggy experience. I'm supposed to be studying but have become distracted once again! A-M xx

  2. Viera,

    Love these images. So beautiful. I've been so busy I haven't been able to even look at my magazines. Maybe this weekend. Hope you are well.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Beautiful artwork the last one best..beautiful.
    Thanks for the mentioning some new blogs to check out...I will be sure to visit x

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Oh dear, you'd better get rid of that spam above! Well, I guess they only take the trouble to add their spamocious (?) comments on very popular blogs so in that sense it's flattering!

    That bluge canvas print is quite stunning!

    Have a great day!

  7. Cool finds, indeed! specially they come back and exchange more ideas and add more motivation, right?

    I agreed with Kifus that canvas prinst is stunning.

    Have a great week-end, Viera.

