Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pale or Colour

look up

Beautiful Interiors in Colour or Monochromatic by Lisa Caldwell Flake and Mary Ruth Caldwell. Visit their portfolio at Caldwell Flake

Thank You Erin from House Of Turquoise for introduction


  1. Wonderful! this images are pure inspiration, thanks for this!

  2. These are all beautiful spaces, but my heart beats faster when I see all the beautiful colors and textures...I'm just not ever going to be a neutral-kind-of-girl!

  3. I enjoy subtle color with flashes of brighter colors in the winter months.


  4. They are all gorgous first drawn to the fabulous bedroom in the second picture but really fell into the three 'white' rooms. Wonderful!

  5. Well 12 months ago I would have said Pale but I have morphed into a colour girl - just have to morph my entire house now to catch up. Those first few images are a sheer delight!

  6. Wow, now that I am through the first few picks (lovely as they were) I have to say I prefer pale... I felt far more relaxed toward the end of your lovely post. ;-)

  7. And thank YOU for the introduction! Every time I click over here I know that I am in for such a was really no exceptions!

  8. I must have a split personality because I like them both. I love the color and then find myself going for the pale. I tend to compromise with neutral surroundings and add art, pillows and accessories that provide the color.

  9. I was enjoying the colour... it was structured and not too eclectic...but then came the pale... oh white... please. A-M xx

  10. i have to admit, i love the first images with all the color.
    ...and those little shades in the first image on the chandelier.
    too cute.

    xx super post!

  11. WOW,great images!i'd love that bedroom with the shades of green!looks so fresh!actually they are all soothing and soo chic bedrooms,I've always wanted to sleep in!soo Amazing.wonderful post.
