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Guide to buying a new hose/reel
In the market for a new garden hose or retractable reel? Here’s everything
you should consider before making your decision, straight from the
gardening ...
Love his work. Simple, elegant yet with a sense of fun.
Beautiful home. The thing what strikes me the most is the different patterned flooring in almost every room.
Utterly gorgeous! love the elegant and restrained palette..and those floors( and floor coverings) are stunning..thanks for sharing, viera..have a lovely day! xx meenal
So that's why I'm always excited whenever you got a post! Beautiful home, love the bathroom and bedroom, and rest of the house to.
Gorgeous! And you described it perfectly ...
I just realized that your blog didn't get moved over to my blogroll when I switched my blog to WordPress! I am so sorry! I just added you back. I love WordPress but the switch has been difficult. Everyone lost their RSS feeds and blogrolls aren't updating ... even though the URL stayed the same. So if you would delete me from your blogroll and re-add me, I would really appreciate it!
I love the different floor in every room. When, at the end, it said it was a Greg Natale I was a little shocked. I had wrongly assumed it was a large estate from o/s somewhere. I always thought Greg was super talented but more .. ?? .. creative in his selection of materials and colorus. THIS home is so stylish, so well put together - surely he needs to win top designer of the year for this.
Thanks for visitng my blog btw - not sure how you found me but lucky you did - as now I can go to your site and check out all you range of goodies (-:
*** Viera, I ALWAYS just LOVVVVE visiting your blog~~~ I know that I'm in for a DELICIOUS TREAT for the eyes!!!!
Thanking you for always sharing such wonderful things to see, read about and/or long for!!!
Linda in AZ *
Wow - absolutely stunning and to be honest I can't believe it's Australian - looks so American and so sophisticate, polished and finished. The mind boggles thinking of the budget! Thanks Viera for another delicious selection.
this whole post is gorgeous!
I don't think I've seen such a beautiful interior design before, this is absolutely amazing! LOVE IT!
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